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from collections import defaultdict from logging import LogRecord from typing import List, Union, Tuple, Sequence, Callable, Any, Optional import atexit import logging import warnings from pprint import pformat from .comparison import SequenceComparison, compare from .utils import wrap class LogCapture(logging.Handler): """ These are used to capture entries logged to the Python logging framework and make assertions about what was logged. :param names: A string (or tuple of strings) containing the dotted name(s) of loggers to capture. By default, the root logger is captured. :param install: If `True`, the :class:`LogCapture` will be installed as part of its instantiation. :param propagate: If specified, any captured loggers will have their `propagate` attribute set to the supplied value. This can be used to prevent propagation from a child logger to a parent logger that has configured handlers. :param attributes: The sequence of attribute names to return for each record or a callable that extracts a row from a record. If a sequence of attribute names, those attributes will be taken from the :class:`~logging.LogRecord`. If an attribute is callable, the value used will be the result of calling it. If an attribute is missing, ``None`` will be used in its place. If a callable, it will be called with the :class:`~logging.LogRecord` and the value returned will be used as the row. :param recursive_check: If ``True``, log messages will be compared recursively by :meth:`LogCapture.check`. :param ensure_checks_above: The log level above which checks must be made for logged events. See :meth:`ensure_checked`. """ #: The records captured by this :class:`LogCapture`. records: List[LogRecord] #: The log level above which checks must be made for logged events. ensure_checks_above: Optional[int] instances = set() atexit_setup = False installed = False default_ensure_checks_above = logging.NOTSET def __init__( self, names: Union[str, Tuple[str]] = None, install: bool = True, level: int = 1, propagate: bool = None, attributes: Union[Sequence[str], Callable[[LogRecord], Any]] = ( 'name', 'levelname', 'getMessage' ), recursive_check: bool = False, ensure_checks_above: int = None ): logging.Handler.__init__(self) if not isinstance(names, tuple): names = (names, ) self.names = names self.level = level self.propagate = propagate self.attributes = attributes self.recursive_check = recursive_check self.old = defaultdict(dict) if ensure_checks_above is None: self.ensure_checks_above = self.default_ensure_checks_above else: self.ensure_checks_above = ensure_checks_above self.clear() if install: self.install() @classmethod def atexit(cls): if cls.instances: warnings.warn( 'LogCapture instances not uninstalled by shutdown, ' 'loggers captured:\n' '%s' % ('\n'.join((str(i.names) for i in cls.instances))) ) def __len__(self): return len(self.records) def __getitem__(self, index): return self._actual_row(self.records[index]) def __contains__(self, what): for i, item in enumerate(self): if what == item: self.records[i].checked = True return True def clear(self): """Clear any entries that have been captured.""" self.records = [] def mark_all_checked(self): """ Mark all captured events as checked. This should be called if you have made assertions about logging other than through :class:`LogCapture` methods. """ for record in self.records: record.checked = True def ensure_checked(self, level: int = None): """ Ensure every entry logged above the specified `level` has been checked. Raises an :class:`AssertionError` if this is not the case. :param level: the logging level, defaults to :attr:`ensure_checks_above`. """ if level is None: level = self.ensure_checks_above if level == logging.NOTSET: return un_checked = [] for record in self.records: if record.levelno >= level and not record.checked: un_checked.append(self._actual_row(record)) if un_checked: raise AssertionError(( 'Not asserted ERROR log(s): %s' ) % (pformat(un_checked))) def emit(self, record: logging.LogRecord): """ Record the :class:`~logging.LogRecord`. """ record.checked = False self.records.append(record) def install(self): """ Install this :class:`LogCapture` into the Python logging framework for the named loggers. This will remove any existing handlers for those loggers and drop their level to that specified on this :class:`LogCapture` in order to capture all logging. """ for name in self.names: logger = logging.getLogger(name) self.old['levels'][name] = logger.level self.old['filters'][name] = logger.filters self.old['handlers'][name] = logger.handlers self.old['disabled'][name] = logger.disabled self.old['propagate'][name] = logger.propagate logger.setLevel(self.level) logger.filters = [] logger.handlers = [self] logger.disabled = False if self.propagate is not None: logger.propagate = self.propagate self.instances.add(self) if not self.__class__.atexit_setup: atexit.register(self.atexit) self.__class__.atexit_setup = True def uninstall(self): """ Un-install this :class:`LogCapture` from the Python logging framework for the named loggers. This will re-instate any existing handlers for those loggers that were removed during installation and restore their level that prior to installation. """ if self in self.instances: for name in self.names: logger = logging.getLogger(name) logger.setLevel(self.old['levels'][name]) logger.filters = self.old['filters'][name] logger.handlers = self.old['handlers'][name] logger.disabled = self.old['disabled'][name] logger.propagate = self.old['propagate'][name] self.instances.remove(self) @classmethod def uninstall_all(cls): "This will uninstall all existing :class:`LogCapture` objects." for i in tuple(cls.instances): i.uninstall() def _actual_row(self, record): # Convert a log record to a Tuple or attribute value according the attributes member. # record: logging.LogRecord if callable(self.attributes): return self.attributes(record) else: values = [] for a in self.attributes: value = getattr(record, a, None) if callable(value): value = value() values.append(value) if len(values) == 1: return values[0] else: return tuple(values) def actual(self) -> List: """ The sequence of actual records logged, having had their attributes extracted as specified by the ``attributes`` parameter to the :class:`LogCapture` constructor. This can be useful for making more complex assertions about logged records. The actual records logged can also be inspected by using the :attr:`records` attribute. """ actual = [] for r in self.records: actual.append(self._actual_row(r)) return actual def __str__(self): if not self.records: return 'No logging captured' return '\n'.join(["%s %s\n %s" % r for r in self.actual()]) def check(self, *expected): """ This will compare the captured entries with the expected entries provided and raise an :class:`AssertionError` if they do not match. :param expected: A sequence of entries of the structure specified by the ``attributes`` passed to the constructor. """ compare( expected, actual=self.actual(), recursive=self.recursive_check ) self.mark_all_checked() def check_present(self, *expected, order_matters: bool = True): """ This will check if the captured entries contain all of the expected entries provided and raise an :class:`AssertionError` if not. This will ignore entries that have been captured but that do not match those in ``expected``. :param expected: A sequence of entries of the structure specified by the ``attributes`` passed to the constructor. :param order_matters: A keyword-only parameter that controls whether the order of the captured entries is required to match those of the expected entries. Defaults to ``True``. """ actual = self.actual() expected = SequenceComparison( *expected, ordered=order_matters, partial=True, recursive=self.recursive_check ) if expected != actual: raise AssertionError(expected.failed) for index in expected.checked_indices: self.records[index].checked = True def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.uninstall() self.ensure_checked() class LogCaptureForDecorator(LogCapture): def install(self): LogCapture.install(self) self.clear() return self def log_capture(*names: str, **kw): """ A decorator for making a :class:`LogCapture` installed and available for the duration of a test function. :param names: An optional sequence of names specifying the loggers to be captured. If not specified, the root logger will be captured. Keyword parameters other than ``install`` may also be supplied and will be passed on to the :class:`LogCapture` constructor. """ l = LogCaptureForDecorator(names or None, install=False, **kw) return wrap(l.install, l.uninstall)